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YouTube views exchange website

Project ID: 1348323222

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Status: Frozen (No bidding. Waiting for action from project owner.)
Budget: USD 50-250
Created: 9/22/2012 at 10:13 (MST)
Bidding Ends: 11/21/2012 at 9:13 (MST)(expired)
Project Creator: intin24
Rating: (No Feedback Yet) --- login to your account to pick a bid, when you are ready.
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I want a contractor who has diverse skills to work on this project.

This project is about increasing/exchanging YouTube views through organic means,no bots or any black hat tricks.The key is to build a community of thousands of YouTube users, get them to exchange views,likes,comments etc and ultimately increase their videos on YT. I would like to start a web community/software where users can gain credits by watching other users' YouTube videos, and then use their credits to increase views on their YouTube Videos.

You'll be able to do the following:
1. Research the key players in this field and study the technology they're using.
2. Be able to build a simple but functional website accordingly
3. Follow through from start to finish.

This is likely going to need a lot of web design and programming skills, including php, javascript etc. You must also have a good command of English Language so we can understand each other.

You can use a standalone software or Firefox plugin that automatically watches other users' video in queue, on autopilot. I am looking to have a software and firefox plugin developed as well as a website for selling credits and for users to manage their views.

Further details will be provided.Be sure you know what this entails before bidding and have verifiable samples and references ready.

Examples of such websites,, etc

Project Type: Web Design/Redesign
OS-Platform: Windows
Programming Language: PHP
Database Type: None
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