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AJAX website file component

Project ID: 1243861610 Urgent!

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Status: Frozen (No bidding. Waiting for action from project owner.) Urgent!
Budget: USD 30-100
Created: 6/1/2009 at 9:06 (MST)
Bidding Ends: 6/11/2009 at 9:06 (MST)(expired)
Project Creator: d4d
Rating: (No Feedback Yet) --- login to your account to pick a bid, when you are ready.
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We're looking for a someone to create an example four page create/read/update/delete example file, with minimal styling that can deal with local file upload within a page. The code will be used by our in-house programmer to learn from, so it needs to be well-commented.

Currently we store files as a serialised array in a MySQL textfield, with two elements to the array - the uploaded name of the file, and the path to where the file is stored (under a new random name).

The important aspect to this, is that we need the page to include a rails-like file upload box (e.g. like the file upload on pages at that will degrade gracefully.

We also need to be able to go 'around the loop' so that the user can create a new record with a new uploaded file, edit other fields on the record without changing the file, edit the record just changing the file, and deleting the record and the file.

We use the jQuery javascript library.

We have other components that need to sort out as well, but this is more of a test piece for that, to see if we can work this way.
Project Type:
  • Databases
  • Expert/Advice
  • Custom Scripting
OS-Platform: None
Programming Language: PHP
Database Type: mySQL
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