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Project: Programming with AJAX on the site Bitrix
ID: 1344712038
(Cancelled Project)

Status: Closed (No bidding)
Budget: USD 2000-5000
Created: 8/11/2012 at 15:07 (MST)
Bidding Ends: 8/16/2012 at 15:07 (MST)(expired)
Project Creator: jubben
Rating: (No Feedback Yet) --- login to your account to pick a bid, when you are ready.
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The task: to integrate the layout, customize Bitrix, develop and debug AJAX functionality to run an online store to debug.

project Description
(if need use translater)

Revision "Business" - has already acquired.
Place on the hosting is.
Make-up effects with prescription ready

Terms of payment:
Prepayment, which is sent to one of the intermediate stages of understanding (necessary in order to ensure that work is moving).

In your proposals must be specific.
Discuss if there are possible by email (in a file with a description of the project)
Write, please, only after a detailed study of the description.

Proposals "from the ceiling" and "somehow make" are not considered.
Intermediaries - pass by!
Mandatory requirements:

A. Certificates Bitrix.
Two. Strong knowledge and experience of using AJAX.
Three. Continuous availability in the messengers.
4. Drawing up a detailed timetable of action and follow up on it.
Project Type:
  • Script Modification
  • Custom Scripting
  • Web 2.0
OS-Platform: None
Programming Language: AJAX
Database Type: None
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